Vista Tournaments for 2019 (updates coming soon!)
Vista: Temeku Hills Golf Club
Super Bowl Tournament
8:00 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $65.00.
Vista: Temecula Creek Inn
8:52 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $69.00
Vista: Diamond Valley Golf Club
8:00 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $52.
SCMAGA: Trilogy Golf Club
Association 2-Man Scramble
8:00 AM Shotgun
Entry fee is $95
Vista: Pala Mesa Golf Club
8:00 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $65.
Directly after the tournament you are all invited over to Al Laras' house to enjoy the finest foods from "Taquero - Taco Man" sponsored by Vista MAGA. Food and beverages will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own beverage of choice.
Vista: Cross Creek Golf Club
8:30 AM Shotgun Start, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $60.00.
SCMAGA: Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort
5/25/2018 and 5/26/2018
MAGA Association Championship
7:30 AM Shotgun tournament on both days, includes range balls, Breakfast & Lunch and 2 drinks. There is also a Friday skins game
Entry fee is $230
SCMAGA: Soboba Springs Golf Resort
Association 2-Man Best Ball Tournament.
7:30 AM Shotgun start, includes range balls and lunch.
Entry cost is TBD
CARLSBAD: Golf Club of California Fallbrook
This is an event hosted by Carlsbad.
8:00 AM Shotgun start, includes range balls.
Entry cost is $70.
Vista: Oaks North Golf Club 8/11/2019
8:00 AM shotgun start. Cost is $55. This is a 2-Man 27 hole event. Including best ball, alternate shot.
Click here for the website.
Vista: Arrowood Golf Course
9/7/2018 and 9/8/2018
Vista Club Championship
Tee Times start at 9:00 AM both days and includes range balls.
Entry fee is $140 ($70 a day).
Click here to view the Golf Club
SCMAGA: Morgan Run Resort
Association Senior Championship
Start time and cost are still being negotiated.
Vista: St. Marks Golf Club
8:00 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $60.
Vista: Carlton Oaks Golf Course
8:00 AM Shotgun tournament, includes range balls.
Entry fee is $70.
Vista: Twin Oaks
Annual Friendship Tournament: Carlsbad vs. Vista
10:00 Shotgun start, includes range balls.
Entry cost is $60.